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Back and Spine


Piriformis Pain Syndrome: How Physical Therapy Can Help

Posted: April 12, 2021
Most of us have heard of sciatica. This common problem...

The Different Conditions That Cause Sciatica

Posted: November 6, 2020
When people complain about sciatica, it’s easy to think they’re talking...

Recognizing the Symptoms of Sciatica

Posted: March 1, 2020
One of the most common and most misunderstood types of...

Spinal Cord Injury

Five Signs of an Acute Spine Injury

Posted: August 9, 2021
The spine is a complex structure. On the outside, there’s...

Are You Having Trouble Breathing and Coughing After Your Car Accident? It Could Be a Spinal Injury

Posted: January 1, 2020
When it comes to car accidents, you might think of...



Effective Migraine Remedies You Haven’t Tried

Posted: December 11, 2018
Migraines are no laughing matter. The powerful headaches that bring...

Occipital Headaches

Headaches in the Back of Your Head: What to Do About Occipital Pain

Posted: July 9, 2021
Headaches are a common problem. But did you know they aren’t...

You Don’t Have to Live with Occipital Headaches. We Can Help!

Posted: September 1, 2019
Headaches are one of the most common medical complaints in...

Medical Marijuana

Chronic Pain

Crohn’s Disease: Can Medical Marijuana Help?

Posted: October 6, 2021
When you have Crohn’s disease, you experience inflammation and irritation...

How Medical Marijuana Reduces Crohn’s Disease Symptoms

Posted: June 17, 2021
Crohn’s disease is a specific type of inflammatory bowel disease...

When Medical Marijuana Might Be Right for You

Posted: January 27, 2021
The therapeutic benefits of marijuana have been gaining mainstream attention...

Medical Marijuana and its Effect on Chronic Pain

Posted: June 1, 2019
In the United States, more people are afflicted with chronic pain than...


Neck Injuries

Is Working From Home a Pain in Your Neck?

Posted: November 2, 2021
We’ve all seen a lot of changes over the past...

How a Knotted Muscle in Your Neck Can Make Your Tooth Hurt, and Other Myofascial Mysteries

Posted: December 1, 2019
It’s a sudden ache or pain in your lower back,...

Don’t Ignore Neck Pain; Have a Professional Get to the Root of the Cause for Effective Treatment

Posted: March 1, 2019
The neck is an amazing part of the spine, with...


Why You Shouldn’t Procrastinate Seeking Treatment for Whiplash

Posted: January 10, 2019
Maybe you were having fun playing a sport or riding...



5 Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Posted: May 10, 2021
Most of us have heard of arthritis. That’s what happens when...

You Don’t Have to Live with Arthritis: We Have Solutions

Posted: June 24, 2020
More than 50 million adults and 300,000 children live with arthritis in...


Ditch the Pills: Learn How All-Natural PRP Relieves Arthritis Pain

Posted: October 30, 2018
Platelet-rich plasma, better known as PRP, has shown great promise...


Top Treatments for Bursitis

Posted: September 9, 2021
Few people are familiar with bursae until problems arise. These...

Cancer Pain|Medical Marijuana

Is Medical Marijuana an Effective Cancer Pain Treatment?

Posted: August 24, 2020
When you have pain, it’s easy to turn to anti-inflammatory...

Diabetic Neuropathy

Take These Steps to Prevent or Slow the Progression of Diabetic Neuropathy

Posted: October 1, 2019
Diabetes is more than just one disease. It’s a cluster...

Phantom Limb Pain

What Actually Causes Phantom Limb Pain?

Posted: March 9, 2021
If you have painful sensations in a part of your...

What to Do About Phantom Limb Pain After Amputation

Posted: August 6, 2019
About 80 percent to 85 percent of people who have amputations develop phantom...

Other|Back and Spine


Radiculopathy: How Do I Know If I Have it?

Posted: May 26, 2020
If you’re like most people, you probably didn’t give your...