Your Pain Management Physician in NJ and NY

Experience high-quality pain relief treatments at Metro Pain Centers today

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  • Understanding Pain Management

    Pain is the body’s protective mechanism that warns about danger. It’s a common condition that many people find frustrating and debilitating. Pain management focuses on providing relief to improve the quality of life. A primary care physician might refer their patient to pain management services if their prescribed treatments don’t seem to improve the patient’s condition.

    Pain management physicians focus on evaluating, diagnosing, and treating acute or chronic nerve pain caused by different types of injuries and health conditions. Some of the most common patients that visit a pain medicine doctor are those diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome, spinal stenosis, cancer pain, arthritis, sciatica, and herniated disc.

    Since a pain problem can be a simple or complex issue caused by different factors and conditions, patients are often offered a wide range of interventional pain management treatments like pain medications, spinal cord stimulation, epidural steroid injections, surgical procedures, and more.


    The Best Clinic for Pain Relief Management in NY and NJ

    Looking for a trusted pain medicine clinic near you? Metro Pain Centers has multiple offices around New York and New Jersey to help patients treat different neurological, muscular, or skeletal conditions and relieve pain in the neck, back, joints, and other parts of the body.

    Here at Metro Pain Centers, we help patients alleviate pain by creating customized treatment plans based on their overall health, lifestyle, and needs. Our team provides long-term and short-term treatments using a multidisciplinary approach paired with the latest advancements in medicine.

    Our highly trained pain specialists and psychiatrists are always looking for the most effective treatment methods for each client using their expertise in the field of pain management, anesthesiology, sports medicine, and osteopathy.

    Start living your best, pain-free life with pain relief treatments here at Metro Pain Centers. Book an appointment with us now by calling our pain clinic or visiting us online.


    When to See a Pain Management Doctor

    One of the common patient complaints we hear at Metro Pain Centers is that they endured the pain for too long until it became worse before consulting a pain doctor. Although other doctors may help with your conditions, it’s better to consult a pain physician once you notice any of these signs:

    • There’s pain whenever your body moves in a specific way or direction.
    • The pain is stopping you from performing simple, everyday tasks.
    • The pain starts radiating from the back towards the arms and hands or down to the buttocks, legs, and feet.
    • Aside from sharp pain, you also experience tingling, burning, or numbness.
    • Over-the-counter medications aren’t helping with pain relief anymore.
    • You want to try other pain relief treatments that don’t require surgery.
    • The pain is starting to affect your quality of sleep.
    • The pain persisted or worsened even after weeks of pain medication and conservative treatment.
  • Where Does It Hurt?

    Tell us more about your pain so we can help you get the proper treatment
    Try our pain assessment tool


    At Metro Pain Centers, we help patients alleviate pain using different approaches like interventional pain management, physical medicine, counseling and psychological support, pain medications, and more.

    We offer personalized treatments to patients who experience:

    PRP Pain Management

    PRP Pain Management

    Interventional Pain Management

    Interventional Pain Management

    Non-Surgical Orthopedic Physicians

    Non-Surgical Orthopedic Physicians



    Medical Marijuana

    Medical Marijuana

    Physical Therapy

    Physical Therapy

    Conditions We Treat

    Our expert team at Metro Pain Centers has years of experience in helping patients relieve pain and other symptoms caused by different neurological, muscular, or skeletal conditions. We are always looking for the most effective procedures using our knowledge in pain management, sports medicine, osteopathy, and anesthesiology.

    We make sure to provide personalized care and treatment for patients who suffer from:

  • Promote Healing with Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy

    Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a popular regenerative procedure that utilizes blood plasma to repair damaged cells and tissues. Here at Metro Pain Centers, we use this breakthrough treatment to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation caused by injuries or chronic pain conditions.

    During the treatment, our physician assistant draws blood from the patient and runs it in a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich layer from the rest of the blood. The PRP is then injected into the treatment areas to help relieve pain and discomfort. The entire treatment is performed under the supervision of our board-certified doctors to ensure the patient’s safety.

    PRP therapy only takes around 30 minutes per treatment session, but the results only show about six weeks to three months since the healing process takes a while. This non-surgical treatment provides long-lasting healing and reduces the patient’s reliance on medications.

  • Alleviate Pain and Enhance Mobility with Physical Therapy

    Physical therapy focuses on helping patients ease pain and improve mobility through passive and active treatments. At Metro Pain Centers, our team creates personalized physical therapy treatment plans for each patient based on the cause of their acute or chronic pain.

    Active physical therapy requires patients to engage in different physical activities and exercises to strengthen their muscles and increase their mobility. But with passive physical therapy, patients only need to relax and let the doctor perform the treatment. Some of the physical therapy approaches we recommend here at Metro Pain Centers include:

    • Flexibility exercises
    • Osteopathic manipulation
    • Hot and cold therapy
    • Spinal cord stimulation

    Physical therapy isn’t necessarily a substitute for medical treatments to relieve pain. Consult with us now to find out how physical therapy fits in your customized treatment plan

  • Improve the Quality of Life with Medical Marijuana

    If none of the pain relief medications or other conservative treatments seem to help relieve pain, then a patient may be a good candidate for medical marijuana. Here at Metro Pain Centers, our doctors may recommend and prescribe medical marijuana to help alleviate chronic pain symptoms and improve the patient’s quality of life.

    Even without pain medications, our bodies produce chemicals to help relieve inflammation and other painful symptoms. Medical marijuana contains tetrahydrocannabinol which helps the body produce more anti-inflammatory chemicals. It also helps lessen the symptoms and complications caused by other chronic health conditions.

    Different states have different policies about the use of medical marijuana, which is why it’s important to follow the right steps and undergo a comprehensive health exam. Learn more about medical marijuana and find out if you’re a candidate for this treatment by consulting with us at Metro Pain Centers.

  • FAQs About Pain Relief and Pain Management Doctors

    Does acute pain turn into chronic pain?

    Acute pain is usually gone after three months or once the injury has been treated properly. However, there’s a chance that it may turn into chronic pain and affect the patient’s quality of life without the right treatment. Make sure to get the appropriate acute pain treatments as soon as possible to avoid the development of chronic pain.

    Should I only take pain relief medicines if the pain is too intense?

    Pain is easier to manage when it’s mild, which is why it’s important to regularly take the pain medication as the doctor prescribed. But if you feel that the pain medicine isn’t helping alleviate pain anymore, then it might be time to talk to an interventional pain management physician about other treatment options.

    Are pain relief treatments for the neck and back covered by insurance?

    Most of the major insurance providers include coverage for neck and back pain diagnosis and treatments. Talk to your insurance provider or our staff at Metro Pain Centers to find out which procedures are covered by your insurance plan.

    What happens if I leave the pain untreated?

    Pain affects an individual’s quality of life. If it’s left untreated, it may worsen and develop into permanent nerve damage. It might also affect the function of the other parts of the body as you adjust your movements to avoid triggering pain or discomfort.

  • Consult with the Right Experts at Metro Pain Centers

    Metro Pain Centers is home to some of the best pain management doctors in New York and New Jersey. Our highly trained staff performs different treatments to help patients alleviate pain and return to their daily activities as soon as possible. We make sure to utilize only the best techniques and latest technologies to ensure patient comfort and safety at all times.

    Take the first step to a pain-free life and learn more about Metro Pain Centers treatments and services today. Visit our offices in NY and NJ or call us now to book an appointment.

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